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Автор Сильвия Плат

Table of Contents

Title Page



JOURNAL - July 1930-July 1953

JOURNAL - 22 November 1955-18 April 1956

JOURNAL - 15 July 1956

JOURNAL - 22 July 1956 - 26 August 1956

JOURNAL - 3 January 1957 - 11 March 1957

JOURNAL - 15 July 1957 - 21 August 1957

JOURNAL - 28 August 1957 - 14 October 1958

JOURNAL - 12 December 1958 - 15 November 1959

APPENDIX 1 - Journal Fragment 17-19 October 1951

APPENDIX 2 - Back to School Commandments

APPENDIX 3 - Journal Fragments 24 March 1933-9 April 1953

APPENDIX 4 - Journal Fragment 19 June 1953

APPENDIX 5 - Letter June - July 1953

APPENDIX 6 - Journal Fragment 31 December 1955 - 1 January 1956

APPENDIX 7 - Journal 26 March 1956-5 April 1956

APPENDIX 8 - Journal Fragment 1 April 1956

APPENDIX 9 - Journal Fragment 16 April 1956

APPENDIX 10 - Journal 26 June 1956- 6 March 1961

APPENDIX 11 - Journal June 1957 -June 1960

APPENDIX 12 - Letter 1 October 1957

APPENDIX 13 - Journal Fragment 5 November 1957

APPENDIX 14 - Hospital Notes

APPENDIX 15 - Journal 1962


Photo Insert



About the Author


Copyright Page


In the years before his death, Ted Hughes was working towards the publication of Sylvia Plath's unabridged Journals both in Britain and America. In 1997 he passed the responsibility for the project to his children, Frieda and Nicholas, who had already held the copyright for some time. To this end, he authorized the opening of the journals that he had previously sealed.

Frieda and Nicholas entrusted the task of editing the book to Karen Kukil, Associate Curator of Rare Books at Smith College, Massachusetts. The project continued under the guidance of Ted Hughes until his death in October 1998, and was completed in December 1999.

These journals contain Sylvia Plath's opinions and not those of the publisher. Readers should keep in mind the colloquial meanings of words appropriate to the time period of the journals. For example, Plath used the word 'queer' to denote an eccentric or suspicious person, according to her annotated dictionary, and not a homosexual.


Sylvia Plath speaks for herself in this unabridged edition of her journals. She began keeping diaries and journals at the age of eleven and continued this practice until her death at the age of thirty.

It is her adult journals from 1950 to 1962 that comprise this edition. The text is an exact transcription of twenty-three original manuscripts in the Sylvia Plath Collection at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. This collection of handwritten volumes and typed sheets documents Plath's student years at Smith College and Newnham College, Cambridge, her marriage to Ted Hughes, and two years of teaching and writing in New England. A few journal fragments from 1960 to 1962 complete the edition.

In 1981 when Smith College acquired all the manuscripts remaining in the possession of the Plath Estate in England, two of the journals in the archive were sealed by Ted Hughes until February 11, 2013. Plath's professional career as an instructor of English at Smith College, followed by a year as a writer in Boston, and her private therapy sessions with Ruth Beuscher are the focus of the two sealed journals written between August 1957 and November 1959. Both journals were unsealed by Ted Hughes shortly before his death in 1998 and are included in this edition.