Sheri Fink
Medical ethics in time of armed conflict is identical to medical ethics in time of peace… The primary obligation of the physician is his professional duty; in performing his professional duty, the physician’s supreme guide is his conscience.
The primary task of the medical professional is to preserve health and save life.
The doctor’s fundamental role is to alleviate the distress of his or her fellow men, and no motive, whether personal, collective or political shall prevail against this higher purpose.
ALÍĆ, EJUB, 32 (AH-leetch, Ey-yoob)—Physician at Srebrenica (SREBREHN-EET-SA) war hospital, separated from his wife and young son. Born in a small village and worked as an internal medicine resident in Bosnia before the war. Heavyset, with a round face, a good sense of humor, and a weakness for plum brandy.
DACHY, ERIC, 30 (Dah-shee)—Head of the Doctors Without Borders mission in Belgrade, Serbia. Responsible for aid to eastern Bosnia. Belgian family practitioner. Passionate and outspoken. Wears a trademark black leather jacket and ponytail.
DAUTBAŠIĆ, FATIMA, 26 (dah-UTE-bah-sheetch, fah-TEE-mah)—Physician at Srebrenica war hospital. Family practitioner before the war. Girlfriend of Dr. Ilijaz Pilav. Has long, dark hair, beautiful eyes, and a high-pitched laugh.
LAZIĆ, BORO, 27 (LAH-zeetch, BOE-roe)—Physician with Bosnian Serb forces across the front lines from Srebrenica. Friends with several Srebrenica doctors and nurses before the war.
Slender, with light brown hair, blue-green eyes, and a boyish face.MUNJKANOVIĆ, NEDRET, 31 (mooy-KAHN-oh-veetch, NED-reht)—Surgical resident who volunteered to walk to Srebrenica across enemy territory in August 1993. Handsome, with an athletic build, a clean-shaven face, and a highly charismatic, if temperamental, personality.
PILAV, ILIJAZ, 28 (PEE-lahv, ILL-ee-ahz)—Physician at Srebrenica war hospital. Born in a small village near Dr. Ejub Alić. Worked as a general physician before the war. Boyfriend of Dr. Fatima Dautbašić. A tall, gaunt, and unassuming man with a scraggly beard and mustache.
DŽANIĆ, NIJAZ (JAHN-eetch, NEE-yahz)—Physician at wartime clinic for civilians in Srebrenica. Internist in Srebrenica before the war.
HASANOVIĆ, AVDO (hah-SAHN-oh-veetch, AV-doe)—Director of Srebrenica war hospital. Pediatrician before the war.
STANIĆ, BRANKA (STAHN-eetch, BRAHN-kah)—Physician at Srebrenica war hospital. Graduated from medical school just before start of war and went to work in Switzerland. A Catholic Croat in a mostly Muslim town.