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Автор Г. Е. Зборовский

1 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin The Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship Russian society of sociologists Garold E. Zborovsky RUSSIAN SOCIOLOGY: ON THE WAY TO CIVIL SOCIETY Scientific monograph Ekaterinburg 2014 2 Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Уральский федеральный университет им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина Институт государственного управления и предпринимательства Российское общество социологов Г. Е. Зборовский ОТЕЧЕСТВЕНННАЯ СОЦИОЛОГИЯ: НА ПУТИ К ГРАЖДАНСКОМУ ОБЩЕСТВУ Монография Екатеринбург 2014 3 УДК 316:323. 21 ББК 60. 52 З-41 Garold E. Zborovsky Russian sociology: on the way to civil society: scientific monograph. – Ekaterinburg : Ural Federal University, 2014. – 344 p. ISBN 978-5-7741-0227-3 In the monograph the analysis of the main stages of deve- lopment of national sociology in Russia since its emergence in the second half of the XIX century is given up to now. The history of Russian sociology is considered from point of view of it role in comprehension of prospects of creation in the country of civil society. Sociology potential from the point of view of its transformation into civil institute is characterized.
In the book the question of sociology opportunities in modern conditions to promote establishment in Russia of civil society is analyzed. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers – students, bachelors, masters, postgraduate students, teachers of sociolo- gical and, more widely, social disciplines, experts in the field of sociology, management, employees of authorities, participants of structures of civil society, all to whom the difficult situation in sociological science is of interest to its future in the modern world and in the Russian society. УДК 316:323. 21 ББК 60. 52 ISBN 978-5-7741-0227-3 © Zborovsky G. E. , 2014 4 УДК 316:323. 21 ББК 60. 52 З-41 Рецензент заведующий кафедрой теории и социологии управления Уральского института-филиала Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ, доктор социологических наук А. С. Ваторопин З-41 Зборовский Г. Е. Отечественная социология: на пути гражданскому обществу : монография. – Екатеринбург : УрФУ, 2014. – 344 с.