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Автор Светлана Шевцова

圠獥⁴湅⁤楷桴椠獴映浡畯⁳桳灯⁳湡⁤潨整獬‮瑉猧琠敨映湩獥⁴慰瑲漠⁦潌摮湯∮䤠桴⁥敗瑳䔠摮琠敨敲愠敲琠敨瑡敲ⱳ挠湩浥獡‬畭敳浵ⱳ瀠捩畴敲朠污敬楲獥‬潬杮猠牴敥獴漠⁦楦敮猠潨獰愠摮洠湡⁹楢⁧潨獵獥‮桔牥⁥牡⁥敢畡楴畦慰歲ⱳ琠潯മ桔⁥潈獵獥漠⁦慐汲慩敭瑮㠬圠楨整慨汬㤬䐠睯楮杮匠牴敥ㅴ‰牡⁥污湩琠敨圠獥⁴湅⹤圠楨整慨汬椠⁳桴⁥瑳敲瑥眠敨敲愠汬琠敨䜠癯牥浮湥⁴景楦散⁳牡⹥䤠⁴獩琠敨栠慥瑲漠⁦桴⁥潧敶湲敭瑮漠⁦片慥⁴牂瑩楡⹮䤍⁦桴⁥楃祴椠⁳桴⁥洢湯祥•景䰠湯潤Ɱ愠摮琠敨圠獥⁴湅⁤獩琠敨∠潧摯≳ㄱ漠⁦潌摮湯‬桴湥琠敨䔠獡⁴湅⁤獩琠敨∠慨摮≳漠⁦潌摮湯മ潗歲湩ⵧ汣獡⁳潌摮湯椠⁳湩琠敨䔠獡⁴湅⹤䤠⁴獩愠搠獩牴捩⁴景搠捯獫‬慦瑣牯敩ⱳ瀠潯⁲楬瑴敬栠畯敳⁳湡⁤慮牲睯猠牴敥獴‮潈獵湩⁧潣摮瑩潩獮椠桴獩瀠牡⁴景䰠湯潤牡⁥敶祲戠摡‮潌獴漠⁦汯⁤潨獵獥栠癡⁥潮洠摯牥潣癮湥敩据獥‬桔祥愠敲搠浡Ɒ搠物祴愠摮搠牡⹫䔍敶祲氠牡敧挠瑩⁹獩映汵景挠湯牴獡獴‬畢⁴潌摮湯椠⁳桴⁥楣祴漠⁦潣瑮慲瑳⹳഍‪‪പപ丌呏卅ㄍ‮片慥⁴牂瑩楡㩮 Великобритания. Though Britain, or Great Britain, is often used as a name for the country as a whole, it is, in fact, the name of the larger of the British Isles, and Comprises England, Wales, and Scotland. The other big island, which lies to the West of Great Britain, is Ireland comprising Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. This is the country's full official name since 1921 when the Irish Republic became independent. The following shorter names are also correct: the United Kingdom (informally the UK), Great Britain, and Britain.
3. London stands for: the City of London (деловая часть города):
the county of London графство Лондон; Greater London (London with its suburbs) Большой Лондон (город с пригородами).
4. The City: Сити. The City, the oldest part of London, has an area of just over one square mile, and many centuries ago, there was a wall around the City with gates in it. Used figuratively, the City stands for the country's commercial circles, and is often called "London's square mile of money".
5. Stock Exchange: фондовая биржа. It is the place where professional brokers buy and sell stocks, bonds and other securities of the big commercial firms. The Stock Exchange is an important part of the financial machinery of the country.
6. Royal Exchange: королевская биржа. At one time the building was used as a meeting place for the City merchants.
Now it is no longer used commercially, the building houses the offices of several insurance companies.
7. Bank of England: английский государственный банк. The Bank of England is in Threadneedle Street. The Bank's other name is "The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street". Old Lady refers to its traditional conservatism in financial matters. The name of the street comes from "to thread a needle" вдеть нитку в иголку. In olden times it was a tailors' street.
8. The proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster. The building of the Palace of Westminster is the seat of the British Parliament. The British Parliament has two Houses (Chambers): the House of Lords палата лордов and the House of Commons палата общин. -Used figuratively, Westminster stands for the British Parliament
9. Whitehall: Уайтхолл. In this street are the most important offices of the Government: the Home Office Министерство внутренних дел; the Treasury Казначейство, Министерство финансов; the Ministry of Defence Министерство обороны, and so on. Whitehall is synonymous with the British Government (its offices, or policy).