STARING AT THE blank ceiling above him, Roche knew exactly how poor bloody Adam had felt in the garden, stark naked and scared out of his wits.
But finally God cleared his throat to indicate that he had reached a decision.
"All right, you can put on your clothes, Captain Roche. And don't look so worried. There's absolutely nothing to be alarmed about—I'm not going to invalide you out, or anything drastic like that, if that's what you've been afraid of. "
Despair filled Roche. Ever since they'd decided to refer him to God he'd been buoyed up by the hope that there might be dummy5
something rather seriously wrong with him, at least sufficiently for them to throw him out on the grounds of ill-health. To that end he had most scrupulously avoided taking the medication his French doctor had prescribed, and had done everything he had been told not to do. But he never did have any luck.
"Then what's wrong with me?" he said plaintively. "There is
"Oh yes . . . you've had a fever, but you're getting over that now, even if somewhat slowly ... . What I meant is that there's nothing organically amiss. You're basically healthy. " God reacted to his doubts by increasing his own air of reassurance. "You've had . . . and to some extent you still have . . . what my late distinguished predecessor in this job always diagnosed as 'a touch of the old PUO'. "
"PUO?" Roche's spirits fell even lower. PUO sounded rather common, and not at all serious.
" 'Pyrexia of Unknown Origin'. But then he learnt most of his medicine in the Ypres salient in 1917 ...
whereas I learnt most of mine with the Americans in Italy in '44. And they called it variously 'battle fatigue' or 'combat fatigue' when it came to causes, as opposed to symptoms. " The reassurance became even blander. "I've seen much worse than you, Captain—you've still got a lot of mileage in you, don't worry. "
About a quarter of a mile, to the café-bar on the corner of the boulevard to be exact, thought Roche.
God smiled at him. "Are you due for any leave?"
"Not until October. "
"We'll change that. " God took a piece of paper and uncapped his fountain pen. "What precisely is it that you do?"
Roche frowned. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. "
God continued to smile at him, while reaching down into a drawer in his desk. "My dear Captain Roche . . . you wouldn't have been referred to me if I hadn't been cleared to ask that question. I look over all you fellows from SHAPE and NATO, and the Embassy ... But to set your mind at rest—" he pushed what he'd taken from the drawer across the desk towards Roche "—will that suffice?"
Roche recognised the letter-head, and the rank on the identification folder positively overawed him. "Yes, sir. "
"Not 'sir'. I left the red tabs behind in Italy. " God replaced the authorisation and identity card in his desk. "The only difference in our relationship from the purely civilian is that I'm obliged to report on your state of health to London. But, as I say, you don't need to worry. Your case is by no means unique in these dark days. In fact, the first thing you've got to do is to