Читать онлайн «Bad Feminist»

Автор Роксан Гей



Feminism (n. ): Plural


Feel Me. See Me. Hear Me. Reach Me.

Peculiar Benefits

Typical First Year Professor

To Scratch, Claw, or Grope Clumsily or Frantically


How to Be Friends with Another Woman

Girls, Girls, Girls

I Once Was Miss America

Garish, Glorious Spectacles

Not Here to Make Friends

How We All Lose

Reaching for Catharsis: Getting Fat Right (or Wrong) and Diana Spechler’s Skinny

The Smooth Surfaces of Idyll

The Careless Language of Sexual Violence

What We Hunger For

The Illusion of Safety/The Safety of Illusion

The Spectacle of Broken Men

A Tale of Three Coming Out Stories

Beyond the Measure of Men

Some Jokes Are Funnier Than Others

Dear Young Ladies Who Love Chris Brown So Much They Would Let Him Beat Them

Blurred Lines, Indeed

The Trouble with Prince Charming, or He Who Trespassed Against Us


The Solace of Preparing Fried Foods and Other Quaint Remembrances from 1960s Mississippi: Thoughts on The Help

Surviving Django

Beyond the Struggle Narrative

The Morality of Tyler Perry

The Last Day of a Young Black Man

When Less Is More


The Politics of Respectability

When Twitter Does What Journalism Cannot

The Alienable Rights of Women

Holding Out for a Hero

A Tale of Two Profiles

The Racism We All Carry

Tragedy. Call. Compassion. Response.


Bad Feminist: Take One

Bad Feminist: Take Two


About the Author


Also by Roxane Gay


About the Publisher


Feminism (n. ): Plural

The world changes faster than we can fathom in ways that are complicated. These bewildering changes often leave us raw. The cultural climate is shifting, particularly for women as we contend with the retrenchment of reproductive freedom, the persistence of rape culture, and the flawed if not damaging representations of women we’re consuming in music, movies, and literature.

We have a comedian asking his fans to touch women lightly on their stomachs because ignoring personal boundaries is oh so funny.

We have all manner of music glorifying the degradation of women, and damnit, that music is catchy so I often find myself singing along as my very being is diminished. Singers like Robin Thicke know “we want it. ” Rappers like Jay-Z use the word “bitch” like punctuation. Movies, more often than not, tell the stories of men as if men’s stories are the only stories that matter. When women are involved, they are sidekicks, the romantic interests, the afterthoughts. Rarely do women get to be the center of attention. Rarely do our stories get to matter.

How do we bring attention to these issues? How do we do so in ways that will actually be heard? How do we find the necessary language for talking about the inequalities and injustices women face, both great and small? As I’ve gotten older, feminism has answered these questions, at least in part.

Feminism is flawed, but it offers, at its best, a way to navigate this shifting cultural climate. Feminism has certainly helped me find my voice. Feminism has helped me believe my voice matters, even in this world where there are so many voices demanding to be heard.