It was just a kiss
Sure. And Texas was just a state.
She could not—would not—fall in love with Cade McGovern.
Yet she wanted Cade in a physical and emotional way that she had never wanted anyone else in her life. A sound that was part laugh, part sob broke past her lips that still tingled from his kiss.
She forced her mind away from the man and the kiss that had left her emotions in turmoil and tried to focus. Someone had slashed the SUV’s tires. The incident might have nothing to do with her, but the black market baby ring was out there somewhere, just waiting for her to surface again. Her family was probably worried sick by now. And a small part of her was terrified that the bullet had done some sort of permanent damage to her shoulder.
But none of those reasons was as compelling as her main one: She needed to leave before Cade got so far under her skin, he’d have to be surgically removed. …
Dear Harlequin Intrigue Reader,
All the evidence is in! And it would be a crime if you didn’t “Get Caught Reading” this May. So follow the clues to your favorite bookstore to pick up some great tips.
This month Harlequin Intrigue has the distinguished privilege of launching a brand-new Harlequin continuity series with three of our top authors. TRUEBLOOD, TEXAS is a story of family and fortitude set in the great Lone Star state. We are pleased to give you your first look into this compelling drama with Someone’s Baby by Dani Sinclair. Look for books from B. J. Daniels and Joanna Wayne to follow in the months ahead.
You won’t want to miss even a single detail!Your favorite feline detective is back in Familiar Lullaby by Caroline Burnes. This time, Familiar’s ladylove Clotilde gets in on the action when a baby is left on a high-society doorstep. Join a feisty reporter and a sexy detective as they search for the solution and find true love in this FEAR FAMILIAR mystery.
Our TOP SECRET BABIES promotion concludes this month with Conception Cover-Up by Karen Lawton Barrett. See how far a father will go to protect his unborn child and the woman he loves. Finally, Carly Bishop takes you out West for a showdown under a blaze of bullets in No One But You, the last installment in her LOVERS UNDER COVER trilogy.
So treat yourself to all four. You won’t be disappointed.
Denise O’Sullivan
Associate Senior Editor
Harlequin Intrigue
Someone’s Baby
Dani Sinclair
For Mary McGowan, who’s done her best to keep me sane, a true friend in every way. And for Roger, Chip, Dan and Barb as always.
An avid reader, Dani Sinclair didn’t discover romance novels until her mother lent her one when she’d come for a visit. Dani’s been hooked on the genre ever since. But she didn’t take up writing seriously until her two sons were grown. Since the premier of Mystery Baby for Harlequin Intrigue in 1996, Dani’s kept her computer busy. Her third novel, Better Watch Out, was a RITA Award finalist in 1998. Dani lives outside Washington, D. C. , a place she’s found to be a great source for both intrigue and humor!