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Автор Элли Блейк

‘I am suggesting you stay and become Mila’s new mother. Stay, bella, and marry me. ’

Luca knew from the look on Gracie’s face that she hadn’t seen his suggestion coming any more than he had. But now that he had said it aloud, it felt…right.

Her throat worked. “Luca, you don’t mean that. ”

He took her by the hands. “If I didn’t mean it I would not have said it. It is a sensible idea. We get along. We both love Mila. I think it is actually an excellent solution. ”

Her cheeks warmed so fast and so pink he knew that he had shocked her. He reveled in what that choice would mean in terms of companionship, in terms of Mila’s happiness, in terms of having her all to himself, of being able to count on waking up to her warmth and beauty for the rest of his life….

It took a few moments before he noticed her vehemently shaking her head….


worked in retail, danced on television and acted in friends’ short films until the writing bug could no longer be ignored. And as her mother had read romance novels ever since Ally was a baby, the aspiration to write romance novels had been almost bred into her. Ally married her gorgeous husband, Mark, in Las Vegas (no Elvis in sight, thank you very much), and they live in beautiful Melbourne, Australia. Her husband cooks, he cleans and he’s the love of her life.

How’s that for a hero?

A Mother for His Daughter

Ally Blake

To Gianni and Christine, for doing such an extraordinary job in parenting my very own Italian hero.



GRACIE LANE was in Rome looking for a man. And not just any man. Her father.

Peering into the mystical waters of the Trevi Fountain, she blinked dry, tired eyes. She had half-heartedly thrown one coin already. According to local myth, she would now one day return to the eternal city.

A second coin now warmed her palm. The second coin was the important coin. The second coin was the wish coin. Searching for her father on her own had produced no results and the Australian Embassy had not come back with anything helpful, so a wish seemed to be her only remaining hope.

‘I wish to find Antonio Graziano,’ Gracie said aloud, hoping with all of her might that somehow this enchanted old fountain would be able to help. She turned, tossed the coin over her left shoulder, and listened for the soft, fateful splash.

But the statue of Neptune looked down on her, benign as he ever was, and unless he had come to life a quarter century before and had a fling with her then nineteen-year-old mother, her last-ditch desperate wish had not produced instant results.

Gracie managed a flickering smile at the thought, even though it meant there was nowhere else to turn. She was down to her last several euros in the bank, she was paid up in her hostel for only one more night, and her wallet held little more than the return train ticket from Termini Station to Leonardo da Vinci Airport. She had very little choice other than to make a phone call to the airline in order to use her open-ended ticket to book a flight home the next day.