Having got this far, Patrick wasn’t sure how to proceed. He got to his feet and prowled around the office, his hands thrust into his pockets and his brows drawn together.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said,” he said at last, coming to a halt by the window.
“What I said? When?”
He turned to look at her.
Telltale color crept into Lou’s cheeks. Trust Patrick to bring that up now, just when she had allowed herself to relax and think that the whole sorry incident was forgotten.
“I shouldn’t pay any attention to anything I said that night. ” She tried to make a joke of it. “I’d had far too much champagne. ”
“You said I should think about marrying you,” said Patrick. “And that’s what I’ve been doing. I think you were right. I think we should get married. ”
Books by Jessica Hart
Contracted: Corporate Wife
Jessica Hart
For Diana, with love
THE lift doors slid open, and out stepped Louisa Dennison, bang on time. As always.
Watching her from across the lobby, Patrick was conscious of a familiar spurt of something close to irritation.
Dammit, couldn’t the woman be five seconds late for once?Here she came, in her prim little grey suit, whose skirt stopped precisely at the knee, not a hair of her dark head out of place. She looked sensible, discreet, well groomed, the epitome of a perfect PA.
Patrick knew that he was being irrational. He had been lucky to inherit such an efficient assistant when he’d taken over Schola Systems. Lou—her name was the only relaxed thing about her, as far as he was concerned—was a model secretary. She was poised, punctual, professional. He never caught her gossiping or making personal phone calls in the office. She showed no interest whatsoever in his personal life, so Patrick never felt obliged to ask about hers. No, he couldn’t ask for a better PA.
It was just that sometimes he found himself wishing that she would make a mistake, just a little one. A typing error, say, that he could pick her up on, or a file that she couldn’t lay her hand on immediately. Maybe she could ladder her tights, or spill her coffee. Do something to prove that she was human.