How to Be a People Magnet
Proven ways to polish your people skills
Leil Lowndes
Table of Contents
I bet you know some folks who are human magnets. It’s not that they’re overly good-looking, rich or bright. But they walk into a room of strangers and people stare. They walk into a bar and people stare. They walk into a negotiation and the suits on the other side of the table instinctively smell that they are ‘big time .
If they’re single, everyone wants to be their date. If married, passionate partners are grateful to be their mate. they’re in need, faithful friends would charge over the hill, run through fire or walk on broken glass for them.
But wait a minute! They don’t have anything you haven’t got – maybe less. So what’s the secret?
That’s what you’re going to learn in How to Be a People Magnet. With the following little tricks for big success in relationships, you’ll be right on course to get whatever you want from anybody – be it business, friendship or love.
We all have a few tricks in our bags, some more than others.
A friend of mine, Karen, is a highly respected professional in the home-furnishings business. Her husband is an equally big name in the communications field. They have two small sons.
Whenever Karen is at a home-furnishings industry event, everyone pays deference to her. She’s a Very Important Person in that world.
Yet, Karen complains, when she accompanies her husband to communications functions, she might as well be a nobody. When she takes her kids to school functions, she’s just another mum. She once asked me, ‘Leil, how can I stand out from the crowd so people who don’t know me will approach me and at least
Let’s start with your smile.
The Flooding Smile
Big Winners know their smile is one of their most powerful weapons, so they’ve fine-tuned it for maximum impact.
The old-fashioned instant grin carries no weight with today’s sophisticated crowd. Look at world leaders, negotiators and corporate giants. Not a smiling sycophant among them. Key Players in all walks of life are just ever so slower to smile so, when it does erupt, it has more potency and the world smiles with them.