А. Конан Дойль, Эдгар По, I Вашингтон Ирвинг и другие I / A. Conan Doyle, Edgar Рое, Washington Irving and others
Лучшие мистические истории на английском / The Stories of Mystery
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Sabine Baring-Gould
The Leaden Ring
‘It is not possible, Julia. I cannot conceive how the idea of attending the county ball can have entered your head after what has happened. Poor young Hattersley’s dreadful death suffices to stop that. ’
‘But, aunt, Mr. Hattersley is no relation of ours. ’
‘No relation – but you know that the poor fellow would not have shot himself if it had not been for you. ’
‘Oh, Aunt Elizabeth, how can you say so, when the verdict was that he committed suicide when in an unsound condition of mind? How could I help his blowing out his brains, when those brains were deranged?’
‘What will they say if I do not go? They will immediately set it down to my caring deeply for James Hattersley, and they will think that there was some sort of engagement. ’
‘They are not likely to suppose that.
But really, Julia, you were for a while all smiles and encouragement. Tell me, now, did Mr. Hattersley propose to you?’‘Well – yes, he did, and I refused him. ’
‘And then he went and shot himself in despair. Julia, you cannot with any face go to the ball. ’
‘Nobody knows that he proposed. And precisely because I do go everyone will conclude that he did not propose. I do not wish it to be supposed that he did. ’
‘His family, of course, must have been aware. They will see your name among those present at the assembly. ’
‘Aunt, they are in too great trouble to look at the paper to see who were at the dance. ’
‘His terrible death lies at your door. How you can have the heart, Julia – ‘
‘I don’t see it. Of course, I feel it. I am awfully sorry, and awfully sorry for his father, the admiral. I cannot set him up again. I wish that when I rejected him he had gone and done as did Joe Pomeroy, marry one of his landlady’s daughters. ’