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Социальный либерализм

Под редакцией А. Я. Рубинштейна, Н. М. Плискевич



Редакционная коллегия

В. М. Полтерович (председатель),

B. C. Автономов,

К. Ю. Борисов,

Р. С. Гринберг,

В. И. Гришин,

В. М. Давыдов,

А. А. Дынкин (зам. председателя),

Н. И. Иванова,

В. В. Ивантер,

О. В. Иншаков,

С. М. Кадочников,

Я. И. Кузьминов (зам. председателя),

В. Л. Макаров,

П. А. Минакир (зам. председателя),

Н. Н.


А. Д. Некипелов,

Н. Я. Петраков (зам. председателя),

С. М. Рогов,

А. Я. Рубинштейн (зам. председателя),

А. И. Татаркин,

Н. П. Шмелев,

М. А. Эскиндаров,

И. Ю. Юргенс


Social Liberalism / ed. by A. Y. Rubinstein, N. M. Pliskevich. St. Petersburg: Aletheia Publishing House, 2016. 384 p.

The present edition is dedicated to one of the most important and systemic, so to say – backbone categories – that is to social liberalism. Using this concept, different authors and their critics separate their own ideological positions from the views of other researchers, engaged in the study of society and in the study of the behavior of individual people and groups. In the theoretical economics and in the economic policy, the specified category is used mainly in the context of the analysis of interactions between the market mechanisms of self-regulation and the public activity. In the given book, materials are contained, related to discussions on issues of social liberalism, organized by the journal "Social Sciences and Modernity" in the years 2012–2016, in which supporters of different schools of thought and ideologies participated, representing leading research centers of the scientific and educational organizations.

Keywords', society, state, patronized goods, liberalism, paternalism, social liberalism, economic policy, institutes.

JEL Classification-. C70, C72, D5, D6, D7, H41, Z28.

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