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Автор Эдвард Марстон

Edward Marston

The Elephants of Norwich


‘Elephants?’ she said in astonishment. ‘You brought elephants back to England?’

‘Yes, my lady. Two of them. ’

‘Where did you find them?’

‘That‘s a secret,’ said the other with a quiet smile.

‘But I thought that you were visiting your estates in Normandy. ’

‘My search took me further afield. ’


‘For the two elephants,’ he explained. ‘When I set my heart on something, I’ll move heaven and earth until I possess it. That’s why I hunted them down with such patience. You’ll not see two such beasts in the entire kingdom. Those elephants will make a perfect wedding gift to my bride. ’

Richard de Fontenel gave a confident grin. He was a big man in his forties with the build and rugged features of a soldier. Time had thickened his waist, thinned his hair and lent him a florid complexion but he could still be accounted a moderately handsome man. Ten years younger, the lady Adelaide had retained the beauty and poise that made her such a desirable prospect as a wife. The great wealth she had inherited from her late husband only served to intensify desire.

‘Nothing has been agreed, my lord,’ she reminded him.

‘Until today. ’

‘I’m in no rush to make a decision. ’

‘Wait until you see the elephants. ’

‘Why should they make any difference?’

‘Because I got them for you, Adelaide. ’

‘It’s a curious way to court a lady,’ she teased. ‘Tracking down two monsters in the hope that they may further your suit. To be honest, my lord, I had grave doubts that such things as elephants even existed. I’ve heard the tales, naturally, but I never met anyone who had actually laid eyes on the creatures. Since you have brought two of them to Norfolk, I shall be interested to see them, but I cannot promise that they’ll win me over.

‘Why not?’

‘Elephants are, by report, large and dangerous. I’m more likely to be frightened by them than enamoured. ’

His grin widened. ‘There’s no chance of that. ’

‘How can you be so sure?’

‘Because I would never dream of doing anything to upset you,’ he said with rough courtesy. ‘I seek only to delight your senses. That’s why I went to such trouble to secure the elephants for you. ’ He moved to the door. ‘I’ll have them brought in at once. ’

‘Here?’ she gasped, suddenly afraid. ‘Are they not tethered and penned?’

‘No, my lady. They are tame enough to handle. ’

Richard de Fontenel opened the door of the parlour and barked an order. When he turned round, he saw that his guest had withdrawn for safety to a corner of the room. Torn between curiosity and apprehension, the lady Adelaide waited in silence. Her host ran covetous eyes over the shapely body beneath the long blue gown. She looked even more entrancing than when he had taken ship for Normandy. Absence had increased his fondness for her and, he suspected, melted away some of her reservations about him. She was finally within his reach. The wedding gift would remove any lingering doubts she might have.

There was a tap on the door, then Hermer, the steward, came in with a wooden platter in his hands. Silken cloth covered some objects on the dish. A short, stout individual in his thirties, Hermer had the cautious look of a man who walked in fear of his master. He stood beside de Fontenel.