Kiss of a Demon King
Immortals After Dark 7
Kresley Cole
Glossary of Terms from
The Lore
• Most are immortal and can regenerate from injuries. The stronger breeds can only be killed by mystickal fire or beheading.
• Their eyes change to a breed-specific color with intense emotion.
The Demonarchies
• A collection of demon dynasties.
• Most demon breeds can teleport or
• A demon must have intercourse with a potential mate to ascertain if she's truly his—a process known as
The Rage Demons
• A demonarchy located in the plane of Rothkalina.
• Castle Tornin is their capital.
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• Were the guardians of the
The Sept of Sorceri
• A breed-line broken from the enchantment caste of the House of Witches.
• Born with one innate power, their root
• One of the physically weaker species in the Lore, they used elaborate armors to protect their bodies. Eventually they held metals—and especially gold—sacred.
The House of Witches
• Mystickal mercenaries who sell their spells.
• Separated into five castes: warrior, healer, enchantress, conjurer, and seeress.
The Valkyrie
• Take sustenance from the electrical energy of the earth, sharing it in one collective power, and give it back with their emotions in the form of lightning.
• Possess preternatural strength and speed.
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The Vampires
• Consist of two warring factions, the Horde and the Forebearer Army.
• Like many demons, vampires can trace.
The Accession
• A kind of mystickal checks-and-balances system for an ever-growing population of immortals.